In STEM we learn about physical properties and chemical properties. We learn about what is the differences between physical and chemical properties and how it reacts. At the end of the round, we learn about the atom. We learn what is the atomic number and atomic mass. Atomic number is the number of proton in the atom, and atomic mass is the mass of an atom. We also learn about the particular that is in the atom. They are proton, neutron and electron.



For this round in our multimedia class with Cindy we learn about how to research, is the website trustable? Do you know what are primary and secondary sources? Let me tell you. A primary source is an information that you get from a person or a group of people who attend or host the event. But, a secondary source is a group of information that comes from different other source and not from the people who attend or host the event. At the end of the round, we learn about the algorithm. We learn about the divide and conquer. This method is to divide the problem into a half, then repeat the same method until you get the answer.



For this round, we learn about decimals, fraction, rounded, whole number and word problems. We learn how to add, subtract and multiply fraction. How to do algebra in word problems, but I don’t really get the hang of it yet. My teacher said we will learn more in the future, so I don’t have to worry too much. Besides learning these topics we also assign to make a poster from our creative mind. The poster must relate to math and have the word “Make the most of your learning”. It was fun creating the poster, and we can choose to do it with a partner or by yourself. I love my math teacher. In math class,  when I finished my works I once asked my teacher to play some fun activities, but guess what she said back? She said that if you want something from your teachers like playing some fun activities you shouldn’t ask, but show them your appreciation in their class. That was one meaningful lesson.