

This round we learn about Python. Python is a type of coding/programming. First, we learn about some of the basic about python like Print Statement, String, Variables, Comment, Number and more. Then, we start to learn about For Loop, And Or Not, If Statement, Else Statement and more. We did very on all the lessons and our teacher is also impressed. I learned a lot about Python in this round. I hope to become an expert on coding in the future.

Photograph and Programming

Photograph and Programming

This round in our multimedia class we learn about the basic of taking a good photograph. We learn about ISO, aperture, exposure, shutter speed. We also learn about the camera shot types such as long shot, full shot, medium shot, close-up, extreme close-up, low angle, high angle, eye level, tilt and over the shoulder. We also learn a little bit of Python, too. When we were learning about taking photographs, we go out and take pictures of different things on our campus. For Python we just start, we learn about the comment, string, print and more. These are the basic step to starting about programming. These are some pictures that I have toke during the class.





For this round in our multimedia class with Cindy we learn about how to research, is the website trustable? Do you know what are primary and secondary sources? Let me tell you. A primary source is an information that you get from a person or a group of people who attend or host the event. But, a secondary source is a group of information that comes from different other source and not from the people who attend or host the event. At the end of the round, we learn about the algorithm. We learn about the divide and conquer. This method is to divide the problem into a half, then repeat the same method until you get the answer.